Thursday, September 27, 2018

Which One Are You: Do You Love Yourself More Than You Hate Yourself or Otherwise?

Which one are you? Do you love yourself more or do you hate yourself more? 

I used to hate myself. Alot.

Well, I still do now, but I'm trying to love ME MYSELF more.

People were always bullying me even from I was a kid. Some people at school used to told me that I am pretty, so that's why they don't like it and they bullied me (for having pretty face).

At school, I used to hate myself because they told me I'm pretty. I hate to be pretty because it's hurt, mentally. I don't feel I'm pretty because I looks like nerd at school. Glasses, skinny and bony, pony tail hair, and with manga in my bag that I read in class time (ehe).

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Your D'Liteful Korean Style With Skechers: Hangout Sambil Fashion Coaching Bersama iLOTTE dan Skechers D'Lites

Hai sobat jajanku! Sebagai sobat jajan belanja online, kamu biasa pilih belanja di mana sih? Jadi penasaran, apakah iLOTTE jadi pilihan kamu belanja? Eh, udah pernah dengar iLOTTE doooong? Sekarang punya aplikasi yang bisa diinstal di hape juga lho! Jadi selain bisa berselancar di situsnya, kamu juga bisa nih buka langsung dari hape kamu. Racun banget deh pokoknya! Apalaagii, Skecher lagi ngeluarin seri baru nih, seri D'lites baru yang terinspirasi dengan fashion 90s. Sepatu yang modelnya chunky gituu.. 

Kemarin tanggal 30 Agustus 2018, Saya tuh diajakin datang ke acara gathering blogger iLOTTE x Skechers D'lites bertema Your D'Liteful Korean Style With Skechers, diajak oleh iStyleIndonesia dan iLOTTE Indonesia. Dress code? Disuruh pake Korean fashion. Duh, seperti biasa. Ku senang kalo ada dress code tapi sekaligus bingung harus pakai baju apa. Hahaha