Sunday, April 29, 2018

Jajan Makanan Nusantara di Festival Jajanan Bango 2018

Peringatan!: Isi postingan ini NSFW karena mengandung foto porno makanan dari jarak dekat. Sebaiknya dibaca dan dilihat dalam keadaan sudah mengisi perut sebelumnya.

Kapan kamu terakhir ke festival makanan nusantara? Saya 2 minggu yang lalu!

Sabtu dan Minggu 14-15 April 2018 kemarin, saya menyambangi Festival Jajanan Bango 2018. Rasanya ini merupakan FJB kedua (atau ketiga?) yang saya datangi. Festival yang dulu masih ada Pak Bondan [Jadi sedih kalo ingat Pak Bondan. RIP ya, pak. :)]. Tahun-tahun sebelumnya selalu ada halangan untuk hadir, entah jadwalnya bentrok atau saya yang kurang fit. Kali ini selama dua hari festival berlangsung, saya datang di keduanya. Hari pertama saya datang atas undangan Mas Arie Parikesit bersama teman-teman blogger yang juga tukang makan, sedangkan hari kedua saya datang dengan mengajak ibu saya.

Monday, April 23, 2018

[Journal] Monday Blogwalking

For quite some times, I've been itching to write something to put under label [Journal], but I don't know what to write. It's not because I don't have anything in mind, but maybe it's because too much thought swimming in my chaotic mind. I just don't know where to start, like usual.

Today (Monday, April 24th, 2018), Raining. I just doing things on my bed. Sleeping until noon (I fell asleep around 6 PM. Ha!) because of coughing all night long. Since I cannot sleeping, so I was reading (and finishing!) a novel from Diana Palmer, Dangerous (Long Tall Texan series). I've been obsessed with the series lately. The series itself has already around 50 something books. It tells about people who live in Jacobsville county, Texas. Most of them were ranchers, cowboys. I don't even know that the city name was real or no. I might look for it later.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

[Journal] The Journey To Love Myself, Part 1

There are some times that I wish I were someone else. Someone else richer, prettier, slimmer, smarter, braver, and everything i think I am not; or maybe still me but the better version of me. I don't know why i think about all that. Maybe because i am not satisfied with myself and my life. Maybe because I am not happy with myself and my life. Maybe because I hate myself and everything. Maybe because of all that, and some other things, too. I don't know..

I often daydreaming about if only. Most of the time is about if only i were rich, like Richie Rich rich. I could buy anything money could buy in the world. I might sad, just like now, but I can travel and go other places with the hope that it could help me heal myself.

But I was also think about hapiness. If I were rich, would I be happier than now? Maybe. Maybe not.